Echoes of the Roots is a spellbinding journey set on an alternate Earth where ancient myths clash with futuristic technology. Step into the shoes of an intrepid explorer, utilizing a versatile weapon system to conquer consciousness-awakening plant monsters and uncover secrets of a forgotten past.
《Echoes of the Roots》是一段令人着迷的旅程,故事背景设定在一个古代神话与未来科技相冲突的另一个地球上。 你将成为一名无畏的探险家,利用多功能武器系统征服意识觉醒的植物怪物,揭开被遗忘的过去的秘密。
Level UP best Artistic #firstplace🏆
Level UP 最佳美术 #第一🏆
My role: Involved with Initial Team build up, game design, protagonist character design and Weapon design.
“Play it here on itch”